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“I have never washed this blanket”

My stepmom, Val, bought a Klippan baby blanket in 2014 for my Toronto-based sister and her new baby, thinking a thick blanket would be perfect for Ontario winters. 

The blanket eventually returned to Victoria where it was laundered by hand and put into storage for the next baby in the family. 

In late 2020, her newest grandchild, my son, inherited the blanket. I have been using this blanket since my baby was born. 

As an infant it was tucked around his car seat during trips to the doctor’s office. Now a toddler, the blanket is kept haphazardly in the bottom of the stroller, ready to be used if the rain starts or a wind comes up during our walks. Our Klippan blanket is our day-to-day, go-to blanket. 

I do not have an especially tidy child. Spit up happens, crackers are eaten off of it, and its corners have been dragged through puddles numerous times. But it remains exactly as it looked when I first used it: no pilling, staining, worn areas, or any damage at all! Water wicks off the blanket, spills and crumbs are easily shaken off before setting into the fabric. There is one small mark of (I think?) stuck on chocolate, which I could flake off (but I don’t, otherwise no one will believe me that this is a used blanket!).

These blankets are dry-clean or hand-wash only, which often deters parents from investing in natural wool, however I believe the many benefits of a natural wool blanket outweigh the effort to clean it. After two winters, however, I have yet to need to wash it at all! I enjoy the naturally deodourising and antibacterial properties of the blanket, plus the knowledge that my baby will not overheat or become wet or cold no matter what the weather. Not to mention the very cute design. 

Because of our personal experiences with these items, we decided to bring in the full line of Klippan baby blankets, as we believe they are the best blankets for practical parents and kids. They have heirloom status in our family, as I hope they will in yours. 

Julia Huggett, March 2022