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Founded in 1906 as Beehive Yarns and Dry Goods by the Fowler Family, the Beehive started its life retailing yarn, fabric and woolen underwear – which was proudly displayed suspended from the ceiling – to early twentieth-century Victoria. The store moved locations several times before settling on Fort Street (see above photo), where it remained for several decades.  

After two generations of ownership by the Fowler Family, the Orme Family bought the Beehive in the 1950s. Their specialty became fine British Woollen Yarns and Fabric, and gradually all other “dry goods” were phased out.

In the 1970s, knitting had a big renaissance when the “Condo Sweater” craze began. The Beehive responded by opening multiple locations in Hillside Mall, in Mayfair Mall, and on Oak Bay Avenue.

By 1995, the multiple shop locations had merged into the single Oak Bay Avenue location.  In March 1997, Valerie Huggett bought the Beehive. In 1999, she moved the shop back downtown, just a few blocks away from its original location! The shop remains at the intersection of Douglas and Fisgard to this day. 

In 2018, her daughter Julia joined the team to continue the Beehive Wool Shop tradition of family ownership.